Loker PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Terbaru

Loker PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Terbaru – Saat ini Kami akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia untuk Penempatan di Cikarang Pusat, West Java simak informasi detail nya dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Terbaru

Saat ini PT SGMW Motor Indonesia sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja penempatan Cikarang Pusat, West Javauntuk menempati Posisi sebagai.

Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :

  • Training & Development Supervisor

Kualifikasi :

  • Analyze the training needs of employees to develop training programs that enhance their know-how, skills, and performance.
  • Design, resource, and deliver training programs, or recommend externally-provided programs, which meet the needs of individuals and are consistent with the organization’s overall training plan.
  • Counsel employees about the organization’s training programs and pulicies and arrange for them to participate in internal and external training so the organization’s training resources are allocated effectively.
  • Maintain and analyze organization and individual training records in order to monitor the effectiveness of internal and external training programs.
  • Keep abreast of developments and innovations in training and education in industry and government education sectors so the organization’s training activities remain current and relevant.
  • Develop Individul Development Program (IDP), implement and monitoring the program effectively, so the target to minimize gap of competencies will be reach.
  • Create and update job descriptions for all position
  • Create and update job analysis based on job descriptions for all position
  • Create and update job competencies based on job analysis for all position

Apabila Kamu Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT SGMW Motor Indonesia Silahkan dapat mengirimkan Lamaran kerja Via Online melalui Link yang tertera dibawah ini.


Proses rekrutmen PT SGMW Motor Indonesia GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap oknum yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.

Bagi Anda yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan dan berminat mendaftar, silakan apply lamaran via tombol lamar dibawah.