Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Terbaru 2024 – PT Vale Indonesia Tbk atau PT Vale (sebelumnya bernama PT International Nickel Indonesia Tbk) merupakan perusahan tambang dan pengolahan nikel terintegrasi yang beroperasi di Blok Sorowako, Desa Sorowako, Kecamatan Nuha, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. PT Vale merupakan bagian dari Vale, perusahaan multitambang asal Brasil.
PT Vale menambang nikel laterit untuk menghasilkan produk akhir berupa nikel dalam matte. Volume produksi nikel PT Vale rata-rata mencapai 75.000 metrik ton per tahunnya. PT Vale menggunakan teknologi pyrometalurgi atau teknik smelting.
PT Vale merupakan perusahaan tambang penanaman modal asing (PMA) dalam naungan Kontrak Karya yang telah diamendemen pada 17 Oktober 2014[3] dan berlaku hingga 28 Desember 2025. Salah satu poin regenosiasi adalah pengurangan wilayah Kontrak Karya dari sebelumnya seluas 190.510 hektar menjadi 118.435 hektar.
Loker PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Terbaru
Saat ini PT Vale Indonesia Tbk sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja untuk menempati Posisi sebagai.
Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :
- Mine Engineer (Short Term Plan & Long Term Plan)
To produce mine planning, production scheduling, high quality design, projects development and
monitoring the implementation in order to support the overall success of meeting the department
- Implementing and supervising Environment, Health, Safety, and Risk (EHSR) standards and
regulations by ensuring working environmental conditions, equipment, materials, methods,
worker behavior and 5S under area responsibility with the aim of minimizing risk, achieving safe
and secure conditions (Zero Harm), clean environment, and achieved work productivity targets. - Prepare Mine production plan in weekly and monthly basis (production, equipment models
schedule, scenarios etc.) to meet the target following the Mid and Long term plan. Conduct
improvement to achieve the better target. - Execute and monitor the implementation plan and schedule for entire life of mine for the project
(establish assumptions to be used for mine planning, pit optimization, production scheduling
optimization, digging sequences, ore blending strategy, equipment requirement, mine Opex, Mine
Capex) by optimizing mineral reserves to maximize the mine economic (IRR and NPV) based on
the ore feed requirements. - Design the mining hill using all data geology such: block model, ore zone, ore type, grade
distribution, stripping ratio, etc and provide regular interval cross section. - Conceptual design the pit in term of maximizes mining ore with considering to drainage plan,
equipment capability, stripping ratio, disposal capacity and any engineering overviews. - Prepare and design workable mine plan (short term, medium term, long term) which consist of
mine production, equipment model, estimate mine opex and mine capex. Develop mine plan to
support mine technical study and provide quarterly forecast as per integrated Business Plan
requirement meet the target to ensure reliable production.
- Bachelor Degree (S1) Mining Engineering
- Minimum 4 years experience in related field
- Certified Pengawas Operational Pratama (POP)
- Computer skills software such as Mine Design (Vulcan, Surpac, Deswik, etc), Mine
Scheduling (Whittle, MineMax, MineSched, etc), Arcview, MSS and Access MS project - Good Communication and presentation skills in written and verbal.
- Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Develop strategic and execute all aspect and activities for Mine Geotechnical to ensure that all
mining and construction processes and standards have been properly assessed Geotechnical and
environmentally to have sustainable operation and compliance, also providing geotechnical
expertise and services to other departments including improvement/studies at company mine site.
- Develop and maintain a procedure and program for slope stability design/monitoring for Pit,
waste dump/disposal and soil/civil laboratory to achieve company goal. - Establish and maintain a manual for slope stability design and monitoring, Mine Haul Road and
Civil Structures to meet government regulation and company requirement. - Review, Assessment and sign off mine plan to ensure slope stability are present in the proposed
design (Pit, Disposal, Quarry, Mine Haul Road and Civil structures including stockpiles and
sediment pond) and civil/structure design plans from other department within in the company to
ensure no geotechnical issues are present in the proposed design. - Review and Control a program for slope stability monitoring in areas of high risk or potential
problem areas and data of the Geotechnical instrument/monument system applied in company’s
area - Develop and implement continuous improvement and strategic programs for geotechnical
engineering design and construction together with consultants.
- Bachelor Degree (S1) Civil/Mining Engineering
- Minimum 8 years experience in related field
- Registered as a Soil Engineering Expert (Level P.E-G-1) – Indonesian Association of Soil
Engineers - Certified Pengawas Operational Pratama (POP)
- Computer skills software such as geotechnical design, mining and civil
- Good Communication and presentation skills in written and verbal
Apabila Kamu Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk Silahkan dapat mengirimkan Lamaran kerja Via Online melalui Link yang tertera dibawah ini.
Proses rekrutmen PT Vale Indonesia Tbk GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap oknum yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.
Bagi Anda yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan dan berminat mendaftar, silakan apply lamaran via tombol lamar dibawah.